Why do I need to sign up to use Soccer Copilot.
The reason that Soccer Copilot requires a profile is to store your games on our cloud servers for backup and to enable certain key features such as game sharing and game with other users and creating summary reports which is handled by our cloud services. Your profile is very simple and needs only a valid email address and a 6-digit pass code that is emailed to you when you create a profile. Your profile is NOT used for any other purposes.
Can I use Soccer Copilot without an internet connection?
Yes you can. When you record and save a game, the game summary is saved to your local device as well as a copy that is sent to our cloud servers. In the event that you do not have an internet connection, the game will attempt to sync the game back to the cloud when an internet connection is established. This will happen when you go to the Game History page.
I have signed into a new device. Can I recover my previous games?
Yes, in fact Soccer Copilot will automatically download the games linked to your profile when you go to the Game History page on any device linked to your profile.
Why does Soccer Copilot only record statistics for my own team.
Great question. This is because the stats generated from recording the game for your own players is a tool to provide insight into gaps and potential issue into your own team.
Recording a full set of game plays for both sides in real time while the game is in play was thought through, but in practice the process of trying to record all actions taking place was too difficult. It was decided that we would focus on gathering stats for your own team.
There are future considerations to provide two additional advances user modes in Soccer Copilot where a user can (A) record basic stats for both teams and (B) a mode that lets you setup each player on your team and then record the game actions against each player.
Can I use record a game for more than one team?
Yes you can. You can record games for any amount of teams (with the obvious exception that you are recording one team as a time). TIP: Create a unique descriptive name for each team you record a game for. So instead of recording a game as Earth United FC, be more specific such as B15 Earth United FC which could denote Boys under 15's. Do this for each team you record a game for.
NOTE: Be mindful that the dashboard page will calculate your game stats for all games on your device across ALL the teams you have recorded a game for. There is scope for a future release to generate stats on the dashboard page for a single team at a time, allowing you to record multiple teams with different stats for each team.